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How to negotiate your salary like a pro?

Rédigé par Agence Carrières

Negotiating your salary doesn’t have to be scary.

Do you know Melissa’s story?

Melissa had been looking for a job for a few weeks. She began to feel the pressure to find one quickly, as she obviously had bills to pay. She spent all her time on job boards sending her resume and hoping someone would call her back. Finally, someone did. A company close to home with a good pay scale. Two days later, she went to the job interview. Everything went well, she was so sure she would get the job.

A few hours later, the boss called him and said: “As you know, we are considering many candidates. We like you, and we hope the feeling is mutual. Here’s the offer we have for you…’ But the offer was much lower than she had imagined. She had a few seconds to think. She “tried” to negotiate, but the boss was obviously used to negotiating and she felt there was no choice but to accept the offer. So that’s what she did. She was afraid she would miss the opportunity, appear as someone only interested in money, and not find another job offer quickly.

Have you ever been in Melissa’s shoes?

Or maybe you were happy to work for a company, tried to negotiate your salary, but your employer just came out with the famous phrase: ”unfortunately, the budget is tight.” And that left you with a bitter taste.

There are so many different scenarios that can occur when negotiating your salary. But, there are strategies and principles that help you negotiate your salary like a pro and still come out ahead.

1. You will be paid what you think you deserve

It’s not enough to tell your boss how much you want to be paid. You have to believe that you are worth that amount. If you believe in it, it will be easier for you to express yourself and find the right words. Knowing your value means accepting that all your past experiences are worth the number you are asking for and that you are an asset to this company.

2. Stay within a reasonable salary range

If you’re making $40,000 a year as an accounting technician and you’re asking for $100,000 for no good reason, it might be hard to get what you want. You need to find the salary range for your position and experience level.

  1. Browse job sites.
  2. Look for positions similar to yours, requiring the same expertise you have.
  3. Look at the current market salaries.

You will get a salary range that represents your value in the market. Ask for a salary at the top of this range. Your employer is likely to negotiate your request down. This will give you more leeway to get a salary that works for you.

3. Enter into a prepared negotiation

You always want to go into a negotiation prepared. Anticipate all the questions you might be asked and be prepared for all scenarios. To be more comfortable during this conversation without appearing defensive, rehearse your speech several times in advance.

This will show your employer that you are serious about your career and that he is right to offer you the salary you want.

4. Never at the first interview

If you are looking for a job, the best time to discuss salary is during the second interview. You know they are interested, since they called you back. Negotiate by phone or in person whenever possible. This method allows you to communicate clearly and unambiguously. Also, you can express your gratitude more easily.

If you are already in the position, make sure that in the last few months or weeks you have demonstrated what you are capable of. Check in with your manager regularly to see where you are and what you can do better. Write down your accomplishments and mention any additional tasks you have completed. This is the time to take as many notes as possible and prove that you are an asset to the company.

5. Avoid all tensions

While it is normal to want to hold on to your point of view at all costs and “fight” to get what you deserve, it is important to keep in mind that a negotiation is a two-way process. Above all, do not be arrogant, do not be closed-minded, do not dwell on every little detail. Avoid tension. People are more likely to negotiate with you if you are friendly and pleasant. When your employer says no, what they are really saying is “not today”. A few months later, after seeing how valuable you are to the company, that same person will eventually say yes. Continue to do your work and keep in mind that sometimes this is a medium to long term discussion. Be prepared to come back to this negotiation.

6. Be open-minded

Your employer may not be able to give you a salary increase at this time. You can therefore propose to change your working conditions. For example, a four-day work week instead of five, while keeping your current salary, or more paid vacations. Whatever they offer you in return, keep an open mind. All of these benefits may be more beneficial to you than a salary increase.

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