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6 questions to ask yourself before accepting a job

Rédigé par Agence Carrières
6 questions to ask yourself before accepting a job

It’s easy to accept a job offer out of excitement, or sometimes even fear of not getting another one. Having spent an inordinate amount of time looking for a new job may have caused you to accept a company’s first offer. Or perhaps, conversely, receiving an offer quickly made you happy and accepted. But saying yes to a job offer without thinking it through can have serious consequences. Like being unhappy at work.

The last thing you want is to have to change jobs after a few weeks or even days because the job doesn’t match your expectations. To avoid this situation, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Here are six that will help you make an informed decision about whether the job is really for you.

L’entreprise est-elle flexible ?

Since the pandemic, a lot has changed, especially in the workplace. Nearly half of employees have experienced some form of telecommuting and many have enjoyed their experience. So, if you’re in this audience, make sure your employer is open and flexible to the idea. Whether you want to telecommute 100%, telecommute hybrid, be completely in the office or work from a beach in Cancun, be clear with your employer. That way and there will be no misunderstanding.

Does the company have a culture that suits you?

Every company has a unique culture. This culture is at the heart of who they are, how they operate and how they treat their employees and customers.
There’s nothing worse than working for a company that doesn’t match its values. Seek to understand how the leaders run the company, whether they recognize the accomplishments of their employees, whether they support them, and whether they encourage teamwork. How do you do this? At the end of your interview, ask them key questions such as: What is the company’s management style?

You’ll find more in our latest article: 33 Best Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview.

Will the company respect my work-life balance?

Work-life balance is everyone’s concern. Whether you have children or not. Imagine that your work schedule is Monday to Friday and your boss asks you to finish a file on the weekend. Do you agree or disagree? Do you allow your colleagues to call you on your cell phone 24 hours a day? And if you have children, is your employer understanding?

How can you be sure of these answers before you have accepted a job offer? Look at what time you received an email from the employer. What time did you have your interview? And is the boss pressing you to give him or her an answer? Looking at these things will give you a better idea.

Does the company have a good reputation and is it stable?

A recruiter’s job is to make sure you are a good fit for their company. Your job is to do the same. Research articles about the company, read their reviews online, and check out their social media. Educate yourself as much as you can so you don’t work for a company that could hurt you. For example, a company that doesn’t pay its employees, steals from its customers, or plans to close soon.

Does the company offer opportunities for advancement?

If you want to stay with the same company for several years, you can ask during your interview if there are opportunities for advancement. Some companies are even willing to pay for training to allow you to advance within their organization.

Are the benefits and salary up to your expectations?

As you’ve seen, you can’t make a decision based on salary and benefits alone. But, let’s face it, these 2 elements play a major role in the decision making process. We recommend that you wait until the second interview to negotiate your salary. During the first interview, you will seem to be only interested in money, which will give a bad impression. When the time comes, don’t hold back. Ask all the essential questions about salary and benefits. And if necessary, negotiate. Your time is valuable, so make sure you get paid accordingly.

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