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5 truths that will completely change your job search process

Whether you’ve been looking for a new job for a short time or have been on the market for a while. There are 5 truths that will completely change your job search process. With them, you’ll make more money during your salary negotiation, and you’ll know the best tips for getting a job faster. 1.  You […]

The 5 best job boards in Quebec for 2022

The easiest way to find a job in 2022 is to search online. But with hundreds and sometimes thousands of opportunities per day, it can be difficult to find the best deals. Ads are scattered across social media, apps, company sites, job search platforms and more. To optimize your time and make it easier to […]

The pros and cons of working for a start-up

Have you ever considered working for a start-up? Their job offers are usually eye-catching, young and non-traditional. They make you want to embark on a new adventure and be part of a company where you’ll grow along with it. Which in itself is great. But before you make a decision, it’s good to know what […]

How do you answer the question “Why did you leave your last job?”

Have you ever been faced with this question in an interview? It can be a tricky one to answer if you left your previous job on bad terms or if you simply don’t want to reveal all the details. Whatever your reasons for leaving, there is always a way to tell your story in a […]

6 questions to ask yourself before accepting a job

6 questions to ask yourself before accepting a job

It’s easy to accept a job offer out of excitement, or sometimes even fear of not getting another one. Having spent an inordinate amount of time looking for a new job may have caused you to accept a company’s first offer. Or perhaps, conversely, receiving an offer quickly made you happy and accepted. But saying […]

Can an employment agency help me find a job?

Looking for a new job takes time and can be stressful. Whether you are already employed or re-entering the workforce, it’s the same for everyone. It takes hours, days, or even weeks to find a job that interests you. Especially if you search on job boards, company career pages and social media. These are very […]

Here’s how to stand out in your new job in just 30 days

Starting a new job can be stressful. Being the new person in a workplace isn’t always easy. Especially if you’re the only person joining the team. It’s always easier when you’re a group of new people joining the company or if you’re a so-called extrovert. Introverts often have a harder time adapting to a new […]

Summer job search, good or bad idea?

Is it a good idea to look for a job during the summer? Is it better to wait until after school or in the fall? These are very pertinent questions, often asked by candidates. Popular thinking would have us wait and postpone our plans to look for a new position until after the summer break. […]

Choose your boss well

Let’s face it, in today’s world of labor shortages, the candidate is king. They have a lot of choices. In addition to being able to negotiate their salary and working conditions, they can, if they wish, go for several interviews in the same week, in order to increase their chances of finding the company that […]

Top 33 questions to ask at the end of a job interview

“Do you have any questions?” This question consistently comes up at the end of every interview. But why? Generally, it serves two opposing purposes. On the one hand, it’s a time for the recruiter to find out if you’re interested in the company and if you’re motivated to work for them. On the other hand, […]